सुन्नखी पंजाबन दिल्ली – सीज़न 5 रहेगा हमेशा यादगार -डॉक्टर अवनीत कौर भाटिया

भारत चौहान नई दिल्ली, सुन्नखी पंजाबन की शुरुआत 2019 में हुई थी। पंजाबी भाषा, संस्कृति, धरोहर और सभ्यता को दर्शाना सुन्नखी का मुख्य मकसद...

सुनख्खी पंजाबन सीज़न -4 के ऑडिशन में छाये पंजाबी रंग

भारत चौहान नई दिल्ली,सुनख्खी पंजाबन के ऑडिशन में हर बार की तरह इस बार भी पंजाबी रंगो की झलक छायी रही.सुनख्खी पंजाबन का ये...

Wedding TV is becoming a pioneer in wedding and events business

Bharat Chauhan New Delhi, It's wedding season and in wedding season businesses related to event management are usually becomes centre of attraction. Wedding TV...

Miss Crystal Green India Project is on our way for the Year 2020

Gyan Prakash New Delhi, Miss Crystal Green India Project is on our way for the Year 2020 . We are focusing on this Project as...

Meet Aishwarya Sharma A fashion Activist

Bharat Chauhan New Delhi, Aishwarya Sharma, a 24 year old Fashion Activist and founder of Moddotcom has a renowned named in the industry of fashion...


Gyan Prakash New Delhi, Miss Crystal Green India 2020 Pageant is an National Event intending to use the Beauty Pageant as an effective tool...

Female and male model auditions in the capital became a treasure hunt for the...

Bharat Chauhan New Delhi ,The Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) after holding successful auditions in Kolkata and Mumbai, held female and male model auditions in...

Skinella’s third edition of its clutter-breaking pageant, Ridhi Kapur as the winner

Bharat Chauhan New Delhi, Our society has created rigid beauty standards and this puts immense pressure on young girls to look a certain way...

India Leadership Brilliance Awards 2019 conferred 25 leaders across Nation

Bharat chauhan , India Leadership Brilliance Awards Powered By DreamCatcher Pageants, held at Radisson Blu, Dwarka, New Delhi. This award function was organized to...

Miss & Mrs India Asia Pacific Pageant 2019-20 Delhi Auditions receive overwhelming response

Bharat Chauhan New Delhi, The Delhi auditions for Miss & Mrs India Asia Pacific Pageant 2019-2020, jointly organized by ‘Prestiza Integrated Solutions’ and ‘Miss...

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