Women Need Creches-a report launch


Bharat Chauhan New Delhi, Mobile Creches organized a report launch of a study on women’s participation in paid work and childcare arrangements in India titled ‘Women
need Creches’ at India International Centre, New Delhi.
The report is based on a study conducted in 4 states of India – Gujarat,
Jharkhand, Karnataka and Odisha between December 2021 and February
2022 with 1028 respondents who have children within the 0 to 6 age group.
This study was an effort to build evidence from ground for a nationwide
campaign demanding creches for women from disadvantaged
The panel at the launch comprised of Aya Matsuura, Gender Specialist,
International Labour Organization; Dr. Pradeep Kumar Chaudhary, Assistant
Professor, Jawahar Lal Nehru University; Dr. Vandana Prasad, Founder
Secretary, National Convenor and Technical Advisor, Public Health Resource
Network (PHRN); Dr. Monika Banerjee, Research Fellow, Institute of Social
studies Trust; Dr. Rita Mishra, Lead Researcher, Trustee Patang Odisha and Ms.
Sumitra Mishra, Executive Director, Mobile Creches.


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