Gyan Parkash Dr. Venkata Sai Chalasany is one of the great Intellectuals of the Country is often shy to Press and Media. He has kept his profile low as he don’t want to boast what he has done or achieved in his life. From a very humble beginning and shattered life he has seen some rays of hope in his life. His works cannot be mentioned by telling about him . He has been very practical through out his lives. He is a center of Excellence in the field of Education , Social Work, Hospitality and numerous activites which are beyond imagination. He has rendered great services for the humanity. His Novel Through the Rings of Fire clearly speaks about his life story the pain and struggles he has gone through. He has made many broken lives to Golden lives for those children whose lives were on the street. He has helped many women who were abandoned by their husband and begging a square of meals in the city of Chandan Nagar and Pune. Though he is the recipient of many awards Nationally and Internationally it’s a high time for the Government of Maharashtra to bestow some Awards from the Government Sector. The Diamond has to be searched so as Dr. Venkata Sai Chalasany whose work speaks everything and many things which most of us are not aware of. He is a great Soul of the Country and he must be respected accordingly from the State Government & Central Government.


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